Web & Mobile App Development Blogs

California’s self-proclaimed “most effective in the nation” ban on drip pricing goes into effect on July 1, 2024. When promoting a price to a California consumer, businesses that omit any obligatory fees or levies risk serious legal penalties and class action lawsuits. California's move to do away with junk fees is comparable to those being pursued by other states, and it supports federal actions spearheaded by the Federal Trade Commission and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Ever wondered if your commit messages truly speak volumes? Explore Git Semantic Commit Practice and Installation in our latest blog drafted by Aditya.
Crafting the blueprint for mobile app success! Dive into our latest blog to uncover expert advice on selecting the perfect architecture for your business needs.
Ever wondered how middleware works in .NET Core applications? Delve into the intricacies of middleware with the latest blog post written by Pratiksha.
See It, Try It, Love It! Discover the game-changing benefits of virtual try-ons for businesses in our new blog.
Curious about cutting-edge Flutter apps? Here is the list of the top 10 open-source projects you need to know in 2024 for innovative creations.
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