Features to Integrate in Customer Feedback and Survey Software for SaaS

Features to Integrate in Customer Feedback and Survey Software for SaaS

Success in the Software as a Service (SaaS) market depends critically on your ability to comprehend and act upon client feedback. Customer happiness is the lifeblood of any SaaS business and has the power to create or break a company's growth trajectory. Having strong feedback and survey software incorporated into your SaaS platform is no longer a luxury—it is a need in this digital age where consumer opinions are easily shared and may quickly change the impression of the market.

However, not every survey program and consumer feedback tool are made equal. It requires a custom software development company to understand the unique needs and create a solution. Investing in technologies that provide an extensive feature set for efficiently gathering, evaluating, and acting upon customer feedback is essential if you want to fully realize the power of consumer insights. In this article, we explore the essential elements that SaaS companies ought to give top priority to when incorporating survey and customer feedback tools into their platforms.

ready to enhance your customer feedback

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Customer Feedback and Survey Software for SaaS Frontend Features


SaaS customers may keep an eye on important indicators like response rates and trends in one convenient location with the Dashboard feature. Planning is aided by the information it presents, which includes total responses, pending responses, and average response time. The seamless integration of task lists and calendar events facilitates the quick addition and editing of tasks and appointments, leading to increased productivity.

Customer Feedback and Survey CRUD Operation

This feature provides a comprehensive toolkit for creating customized surveys that yield insightful data.

  • Customizable Templates: This feature simplifies the process of creating surveys by providing access to a wide range of pre-designed templates in different categories, including market research, employee feedback, and customer happiness.
  • Drag-and-Drop design: A user-friendly design makes it easy to create surveys by utilizing a straightforward drag-and-drop method, which improves usability.
  • Question Types: A variety of question formats, such as multiple-choice, open-ended, Likert scales, ranking, and more, are supported, providing survey designers with the flexibility to meet a wide range of research requirements.
  • Logic and Branching: By using conditional logic, users can adjust the survey's flow according to the responses, improving both the user experience and the accuracy of the data.
  • Support for Multimedia: Adding multimedia components to surveys, such as pictures, videos, and GIFs, improves the information provided, draws respondents in, and improves data gathering.
  • Branding Options: By allowing users to add logos, colors, and themes to surveys, customization capabilities help them build brand recognition and consistency.
  • CRUD Operations: Users are in complete control of survey templates. They may add, update, and remove them as needed, giving them the flexibility to easily modify surveys to meet changing needs.

Scheduling Survey Campaign

It provides consumers with effective tools to plan and coordinate focused survey campaigns. Important features include:

  • Contact Integration: When scheduling surveys, it is easy to include phone numbers or email addresses to ensure that recipients receive a personalized message.
  • Bulk Upload Capability: Users may handle huge contact lists more effectively and distribute surveys more quickly thanks to the simplified CSV file upload capabilities.
  • Multi-Channel Support: Users can contact respondents through a variety of communication channels by utilizing our platform's flexible distribution options, which include email, SMS, social media, QR codes, and website embedding.
  • Scheduled Campaigns: To maximize engagement and response rates, users can plan the timing of survey releases based on their own schedules.
  • Audience Targeting: Decide target audience with customized surveys, advanced segmentation capabilities improved relevance and insights.
  • Customizable Invites: By allowing users to add a personal touch to communications, personalized survey invites encourage respondent participation and trust.

Response Management

This feature allows accessing robust tools to ease the handling of survey responses. Important features include:

  • Real-Time Responses: As survey responses are submitted, users have immediate access to them, allowing for quick analysis and decision-making based on the most recent information.
  • Response Notifications: Users are kept informed and able to swiftly address any emergent feedback or issues when they receive timely notifications for fresh survey replies.
  • Quota Management: Using our platform, customers can set response quotas that will cause surveys to automatically close when a certain number of responses are received. This function preserves the integrity and effectiveness of the survey by guaranteeing data accuracy and preventing over-collection.

Billing and Payment Processing

Get simplified subscription management and payment processes with its "Billing and Payment Processing" feature. For user convenience and global accessibility, key features include subscription payments, renewal notifications, several payment methods, download-friendly invoices, and transaction history viewing.

SaaS-based Customer Feedback and Survey

SaaS-based customer feedback and survey software has a "Reporting" feature that allows viewing and downloading detailed reports that include user data, response rates, trends, counts, pending responses, completion targets, and average response times. These findings support well-informed decision-making and the improvement of strategies for improved survey activities.

Customer Feedback and Survey Software for SaaS Backend Features


This feature offers a thorough overview of critical indicators, including active surveys and response counts, as well as a comparison of current usage to subscription restrictions, through its "Dashboard" function. To support strategic decision-making for focused survey initiatives, it also shows the information on the number of customers, paid and free users, past-due subscriptions, and the overall number of surveys completed.

Customer Management 

With this feature, administrators get efficient tools for managing focused survey campaigns. The customer database, including customer data and survey generation, is accessible to and managed by admins. They can also activate and delete customer accounts, which guarantees effective management and supervision.

Survey Management

It provides strong tools to customize and distribute targeted surveys through the "Survey Management" function. It has editable templates in areas including market research, staff feedback, and customer happiness. Users may create surveys with ease thanks to a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, a variety of question kinds, logic branching, multimedia capabilities, and branding choices. Administrators oversee adding, changing, and removing templates as needed.

Subscription Management

Plans can be added or edited by admins, who can also specify price, premium features, limits (such as survey and response caps), and feature access. Admins can also control feature-related access and provide free trial periods to guarantee flexibility and the best possible user experiences.

Account Registration and Setup

Simplify user onboarding for focused survey projects with the "Account Registration and Setup" function. Assisting users with the registration process and managing account setup, administrators make sure that they have a smooth and effective experience as they start their survey trip.

Billing and Payment Processing

This feature simplifies financial transactions and offers a variety of payment options and currencies for accessibility around the world. It guarantees clear invoicing by providing thorough invoices that include add-ons and overage costs. Admins may exchange invoices via email with ease, allowing users to manage their finances and communicate with each other smoothly.

Transaction Management

Admin gets access to powerful capabilities to monitor financial activity. They can easily retrieve and examine transaction history, which makes thorough financial management possible. Admins can also start refund procedures as necessary and monitor total amounts received on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis to help them make well-informed decisions.

Subscription Upgrades and Downgrades

Get easy control over subscription plans with the "Subscription Upgrades and Downgrades" function. From their account dashboard, users may easily change their membership levels, giving them instant access to additional features or restrictions. Fair pricing for upgrades or downgrades is ensured by prorated invoicing, improving transparency and user satisfaction.

Customize Template Management

Administrators get flexible capabilities to manage user-generated material with the "Customize Template Management" function. Important features include:

  • Examining User-Generated Content: To guarantee quality assurance and adherence to platform guidelines, admins can effortlessly access and examine user-generated templates and content.
  • Image Deletion: Admins can remove old or unsuitable information by using the image deletion feature to remove images from the template library.
  • Sharing Pictures with the Public: Admin have the option to share specific photographs with the public so that other users can use them as app templates. This encourages cooperation and increases the resources that may be used to create surveys.


Access extensive functionality for creating personalized reports, giving administrators insightful information consisting of:

  • Customized Reports Downloads: Admins can receive customized reports according to several parameters, such as date-specific data, subscription information (due dates and renewals), customer segmentation (free vs. paid), user database details, and usage metrics (e.g., greeting card consumption on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis).
  • Extensive Data Study: Reports offer a thorough study of subscriber status, survey replies, user behavior, and customer feedback, which helps with strategy development and decision-making.
  • Sharing Capabilities: Reports can be shared by administrators with team members or stakeholders with ease, encouraging open communication and transparency throughout the company.
  • Versatile Reporting Options: This feature allows customizing reports to their own requirements and preferences, making them relevant and valuable for promoting corporate expansion and enhancement efforts.

In Summary

Incorporating cutting-edge functionality into Customer Feedback and Survey Software for SaaS is crucial to enabling companies to prosper in the fiercely competitive business environment of today. These features, which range from easily adjustable templates and user-friendly interfaces to powerful reporting tools and efficient subscription administration, are essential for organizing focused survey campaigns and producing useful data. SaaS organizations can enhance their client interaction tactics, streamline decision-making procedures, and eventually attain long-term success in satisfying changing market expectations by utilizing these tools. In the competitive SaaS era, adopting the custom software development approach and integrating these features will be essential to staying ahead of the curve and providing outstanding customer experiences.

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