Healthcare at Home Enterprise Application

Healthcare at Home Enterprise App

This health and fitness application involves delivering health facilities to older people at home. It focuses mainly on diabetic patients and providing care for monitoring, controlling, and improving their condition. It is an enterprise application developed for doctors and their medical staff by famous healthcare software development company - The One Technologies. The app consists of two types of doctors: MDs and Registered Dietitians. Registered dietitians decide the patients that need attention and treatment. MDs will check the patient's medical history and provide a CMN (certificate of medical necessity). The app allows assigning appointments for home visits, suggesting necessary tests needed for the patient, storing medical reports, and sending appointment confirmation emails to the patient.

The healthcare project has some unique services like continuous glucose monitoring of the diabetic patient and having a shoe fitter who analyses the condition and prepares the shoe that bodes well with their condition. The healthcare app also has map integration, which automatically chooses a doctor who is in the patient's zone, allowing quick visits for the patient and timesaving for the doctors. Based on the medical diagnoses, the app automatically calculates risk and assigns the next appointments accordingly.

Healthcare at Home Obesity Management

Key Features

  • Continuous Glucose Monitoring
  • Map Integration
  • Automatic Risk Calculator
  • CMN Certification
  • Shoe Fitter

Key Insights

Client Location:

  • Chicago


  • Healthcare

Business Model

  • Dedicated Developers

Technology Used

  • Programming Language: ASP.Net-MVC, VB, .Net Framework, Java
  • Front-end: Bootstrap, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3
  • Database: MSSQL
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Different Feature of Healthcare at Home app


  • The project was handed over for improvement without any specific requirements. Analyzing the entire project, understanding the existing code, and figuring out existing issues was challenging.
  • All the project's data were stored locally, creating app crashes, data deletion, and data not being reflected multiple times.
  • The healthcare project needed an EMR from scratch, which was time-consuming considering the bulk of fixed needs.
  • The project came with a pre-designed UI but was filled with plenty of glitches. This was a hurdle for the developers and testers in deploying a pixel-perfect app.
  • The app was not compatible with multiple devices. Devices with landscape screens were showing data in a portrait manner and vice versa.
Diet Statistics in healthcare at home enterprise app


  • Before diving into further development, updates, and enhancements, our entire team first scrutinized the project, gathered a self-understanding, created a report of underlying issues, and then worked towards improving the project as expected.
  • Our tech nerds created an API, stored it in the database, and connected the local data with the database. The solution was time-consuming, but our team solved the challenge, and the data was correctly reflected in the app.
  • Our team invested extra working hours, and along with the mandatory fixes, they built an EMR solution from scratch for our client.
  • Our designers worked on the existing UI. They fixed all the visual glitches and turned the entire UI from buggy to visually appealing and smooth functioning.
  • Our developers worked on the app and integrated device compatibility. The app looked and functioned according to the user's preferred device.

Final Outcome

The healthcare project had plenty of unique features and challenges. Our team successfully incorporated all the features. Our client and the healthcare professionals using the solution were very happy and satisfied. With automatic risk assessment, doctors can easily determine the level of treatments necessary. With Google Map integration, doctors available in the client zone will be automatically assigned for time and energy saving. We took the healthcare solution to the next level with UI fixes and connecting data with the available database.

Do you want to create a similar healthcare app? Hire .Net developers from The One Technologies and let’s get started to build your health app.

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